New Beginnings!

Well, it's only been about 6 years since I last posted on this blog.  A couple of years ago, we sold our caravan due to lack of use.  Working full-time can be a real bitch and we just didn't get to use it as much as we wanted.

However, I have decided to retire!  The pandemic has made me really look at what's important to me and it made me realise that I have worked for so many years and it's time to stop and spend time doing what I want to do.  That is doing some travelling and camping and just generally exploring places and re-connecting with ME!  It's a bit scary quitting work but it's time!  

We purchased a Jayco Lark BP a couple of weeks ago and, true to form, it has hardly stopped raining since so we haven't had a chance to take it on it's maiden voyage.  We did, however, have a practice set-up in the yard.  So far, so good!  A few little issues ensuring we had hot water, downloading the APP (bit 'tecchie') and getting the bloody door up correctly so we could close the roof.  (All rookie errors!)  

Planning to put on our L plates in the next couple of weeks and go free-camping with my sister and B.I.L. (Yoda of all things camping - especially solar and 12 volt).  Hopefully, we will get our P plates and can be let loose on our own.

We just need to get a bike rack put on and we're away! We are getting a Gripsport bike-rack which will take my E-Bike.  Since my last post, we have discovered bike-riding and plan to ride some of the rail trails around the country.  We are particularly looking forward to heading to Victoria (when the weather gets a little warmer!) as there looks to be some awesome rides around.  

Watch this space!  Only about 4 weeks to go until retirement.  


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